Wednesday, July 31, 2024

3D Fractal Xenharmonic Synth, Web App

 Virtual Virtual Instrument?

An experimental program for creating microtonal music.

Sound is generated from a 3D object, a fractal. Clicking on the object's surface produces a set of pitches based on the click point's coordinates (X, Y, Z, and distance to the surface). Each click remaps the keyboard with these new pitches.

The demo video showcases live performance with only drums added afterward.

Play using left and middle clicks, assigning sounds to four keys on two keysets (A, S, D, F and H, J, K, L).

The blinking lights indicate key presses (A, S, D...). The "chord compass" next to it simplifies chord prediction by referencing a 12-tone equal temperament framework.

Built with JavaScript and the browser's Audio API.

Note on microtonality: This program doesn't focus on specific fractal tunings. Musical patterns emerge from the object's geometry, but all fractals potentially contain the same intervals.

Core concept: Generating pitches from arbitrary object coordinates. The code includes primitive 3D shapes for experimentation.

How to play:

  • Left and middle clicks trigger notes based on X, Y, Z, and D coordinates.
  • Use keysets 1 (A, S, D, F) and 2 (H, J, K, L) to assign sounds.

Pitch generation: Pitch is derived from the click point's coordinates. In linear mode, X=1 corresponds to a pitch of 1 Hz.

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